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#1 03-01-2018 15:22:52

Admin & Trader
From: Paris - France
Registered: 21-12-2009
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MT5: synthetic instruments, shared projects and MQL5 Cloud Protector

MetaTrader 5 launches new tools: synthetic instruments, shared projects and MQL5 Cloud Protector
Article by leaprate:

MetaTrader 5 is developing rapidly. Forex trading platform developer MetaQuotes just announced that it has added a number of new tools and services to the platform. No such innovations will ever be implemented into MetaTrader 4, the company added.

The new release features an ability to create synthetic financial instruments. Activation of this feature requires setting the formula for calculating quotes to be based on one or more available instruments. The platform will generate its minute ticks. All subsequent quotes will be built automatically in real time.

How it works:

1. You create a synthetic instrument and set the formula for price calculation.

2. The platform generates a minute history of the synthetic tool for the last two months. It is calculated based on one-minute bars of instruments used in its formula.

3. The prices of symbols used in the calculation are verified every 10 seconds. If at least one of them has changed, the price of the synthetic symbol is calculated and a new tick is generated.

4. All new bars (current and subsequent ones) of the synthetic instrument are created based on generated ticks.

Full-fledged projects simplify the application development for algorithmic trading and constitute another important feature of the build. Instead of the main MQ5 program file, a separate MQPROJ file is used as a project. It stores program settings, compilation parameters and information about all used files.

A separate tab in the Navigator is provided for work convenience within the project. All used files are arranged into various categories:

:ar: Headers — adding header files.
:ar: Resources — images, sounds and other MQL5 programs used in the project as resources.
:ar: Sources — MQ5 files with a source code.
:ar: Settings and Files — adding other files, such as set files for testing and chart templates.

The new build makes it more convenient to develop robots with other traders. The Shared Projects section provides the ability for developing trade applications in teams. A project developed under Shared Porjects is automatically added to the online MQL5 Storage. In the project properties, you can grant permissions to other members and set the common parameters for the group:

:ar: Private project
:ar: Free to join project
:ar: Join by request project

The new MQL5 Cloud Protector mechanism provides an additional layer of protection for trading robots. This protection is similar to the option used in MetaTrader Market, where EX5 product files are additionally compiled to native code. Now, this feature is available to all developers. Protector-backed files can be executed on any computer, similar to common executable applications. To enable protection, execute the following command in MetaEditor: Tools — MQL5 Cloud Protector.

"Anything worth having is worth going for - all the way." - J.R. Ewing



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